12/31/2008- New Year's Eve
We really called ourselves engaged soon after we met, but Bob insisted it was not official until Hil had a proper ring. Unable to keep a secret, Hil knew he HAD the ring, but he held on to it for weeks before proposing. Over the holidays, every time a special event happened, Hil wondered, "Is today the day?" He didn't propose on the Solstice. He didn't propose on Christmas Eve. Bob spent Christmas Eve throwing up, and decided that wouldn't be romantic. When he didn't propose on Christmas, when all of our families were gathered together, Hil was beginning to wonder if he had changed his mind, and coyly said, "I KNOW YOU HAVE THAT RING! WHY DON'T YOU GIVE IT TO ME!!!!"
"Not so fast,"said Bob, grinning. "I am waiting for the right moment."
On New Year's Eve, we decided to stay in. After the kids went to bed, Bob brought in take-out chinese, and laid out a picnic on the livingroom floor. Inside the package for the fortune cookie, Hil discovered the most beautiful, shiny engagement ring. Luckily, she didn't eat it. Bob got down on one knee, asked her to marry him, and of course, she said yes. The fortune in the fortune cookie said,"Accept the next proposition you hear." Hil framed it, and put it on the wall to keep forever.